Friday, November 15, 2013

dog days are over

turned out that yesterday's sickness was actually not only caused by my unwillingness to get out of bed, plus it was worsen by sleep deprivation, my calculus result (serious) and the excessive consumption of korean banana milk. My midterm result was out and some of them were pretty dissatisfying (hence the post title). I realized I have been slacking off to much lately and I need to fix my habit (one of it includes sleeping at 2 a.m. for no apparent reason). I'm having my IT mid tomorrow and I haven't touched the module yet (number one reason was because they're all in chinese).

School ended at 8 p.m. today. I spent an hour continously pressing 'voice call' on skype to have a proper convo with my friend (the connection sucks big time) and being an excellent procrastinator (encouraged by my friends, they're excellent persuaders) we went straight to try skateboarding afterwards. It was more or less a great stress-reliever, much thanks given to Annie for kindly lending us her newly-bought-skateboard (I am genuinely thankful that it's still in one piece). I fell down and my butt kinda hurts. x 



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