Saturday, May 3, 2014


letter from jess (which is oh so lovely) and kiko being impeccable - as always. 

officially back from the dead (re: hiatus). I know I was away from my blog (but not the internet; you'd know if you've stalked my instagram) for a really long time, but look at the bright side : I SURVIVED THE DEADLINE HOW AWESOME IS THAT. anyway, excuse number two of why I was away from my blog is that I'm sure you guys are already fed up with me talking about anything university-related, not like yours haven't made you feel like throwing up already, and I figured out I said things like "deadline is near", "portfolio is neglected" and blah blah blah too much. I reread my older posts a few times and I admit it lacks the quality of what a good blogger should write. (blame it all on monotone life due to piling assignments and deadline. ok last talk about uni life I swear) so, I decided to do things one at a time, multitasking is never my forte anyway.
speaking of which, I actually don't have anything to write about yet but it will soon come to me, now that I have regained my freedom. I just want to make an announcement that I'm not dead and a thank you for you loyal readers who still generously spend your time to leave comments. I will post something good soon (fingers crossed) so stay tuned!

p.s. as an apology for being a bad blogger, I also attached a video AND some cute pics of my nope,stillmine our teenage heartthrob circa '98 for you (you're welcome), no caption needed. enjoy! 



  1. Happy to know that you are alivexd
    i know school's been really disturbing for me either:(
    good luch with your "deadline" and everything!xx

    1. thank you! that's so nice of you :)
      i know school can be pain in the butt sometime but trust me you'll miss it loads after you graduate. good luck to you too! x


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